Running 2 days a week from the training center

The desire to run a preschool from the training center has been with us since we arrived in 2015. It took a while for things to fall into place, in the meantime we kept the vision in prayer before the Lord.
In November – December 2017, six of our staff members were able to receive a month-long training course in working with preschools. Then in January 2018 another missionary, Jenny Ayling, (pictured in top left photo) working as preschool trainer ran another workshop for our staff. She graciously ended up changing her return ticket home to stay an extra 10 days to help our staff prepare the materials and details to finally be able to start the program.
On 28th February 2018, the YWAM Preschool building opened its doors to a handful of community families with their 3 to 4 year old children for the first day of YWAM Nampula’s children’s ministry. We are not a full-fledged preschool, but we have 6 staff committed to working 2 mornings a week with children from the local community, investing in them to see them grow physically, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually.
Come for a season, impact a lifetime.

Each year from June to August, the pre-school runs full time as it opens its doors to between 25 and 35 children from the families of our DTS students.
If you have a desire to make a lasting difference in the lives of these little ones, please consider joining us for this time as volunteer staff.
We aim to disciple the entire family and desire to see the children of the students grow in the love and knowledge of God and His Word as much as their parents. They are the next generation of believers whom God would want to use to bring His Kingdom in Mozambique.