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Here we post excerpts from our monthly newsletter.
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March and June 2022
In March, the base and DTS leaders travelled to Ethiopia to teach on a discipleship seminar.
Following their trip Victor and Pires felt led to organize a prayer event for Mozambique on it’s official Independace day, 25th June. This was the first event held in the pre-school building at the community centre, which was still to be under construction at the time. Former DTS graduates, ladies from the literacy class, the elderly from the elderly ministry, displaced peoples that we interact with, as well as our current DTS students and staff we all invited to attend the meeting which ran from 9.00 am – 1.00pm. At one point, the Gospel message was presented and 7 people prayed to receive Jesus as their Savior. Lunch was served at the end of the meeting but due to a number of unexpected visitors, there was not enough for the staff who were at the back of the line. Next time we will plan for more people!

Friday, November 26, 2021, was a historic day at YWAM Nampula, as all our staff and staff children trekked the 1 and 1/2 kilometer (or caught a ride) to our Community Center property to pray over the construction of our Christian school building. Special guests were the YWAM Montana team of 4 young people, in what happened to be their last Friday with us. Our team lined up to pray over the first symbolic block to be laid as the cornerstone for the building. Incidentally, it was also the only 85 degree Farenhuit day, in the middle of high 90 and 100 degree weeks of weather. Read more..
In January 2020 we ran a national staff training seminar. Terry Sherman came from Holland and Marnie-Jane Agosta from Switzerland to teach a group of 40 staff how to improve their communications and form ministry partnerships. All YWAM staff are responsible to raise their own support for their financial needs.
The seminar was videos taped, edited and made available online as a resouece for Portugese and English speaking YWAM staff.

25th of February 2019, we received 25+ women from the community who came to sign up for literacy classes. Five of our staff received a week long training in literacy teaching with a program called Alfalit. They are now holding classes 3 times a week with a group of 25+ women. If the women complete the year of classes, they will be eligible to take a 5th grade class exam offered by the government, and if they pass, they will receive the equivalent of a 5th grade certificate! This will be quite an achievement for women who have been illiterate their whole lives!
During the middle months of 2018 the base hosted or facilitated 5 separate events aimed at training and discipling YWAM missionaries and local believers. In June the base facilitated a mens conference followed the next weekend with a father-and-son camp for the staff. The next month the base hosted a pastors’ conference and ran an evangelism training seminar attended by people from throughout the nation. In August staff of the base facilitated a 10 day discipleship Training seminar with 24 participants.

May 2018.
For a week in May, the base was full to overflowing with 220 people gathered from 10 YWAM ministry locations all over Mozambique all gathered to celebrate 40 years of activity in the nation. We catered for 240 people including visitors from South Africa, Tanzania, Switzerland, and England.
November 2017 After 30 months, the legal transfer of the land and buildings is finished! A timely bribe might have speeded the process but both ours and SIL’s heart was to act justly. As if to honour our commitment, God sent us Norah. A godly retired engineer, university professor and Zimbabwean grandmother Norah had the patience, persistence, and legal understanding to make the 30+ visits to government offices, following up on the registration process. Her study of the laws brought us an exemption as a religious organization from a $20,000+ tax on the center. We are so thankful for God’s gracious hand in bringing this process to an end!

October 2017
At the end of the month we graduated this year’s DTS. What a wonderful time it has been. People have come to know the Lord in ways they never imagined possible, marriages have been strengthened, babies have been born, the Gospel has been spread. We are all so thankful to those around us who prayed, came to teach and gave generously to make it all possible.
August 2017
On Sunday evening, 27th August the staff and students of the Discipleship Training School (DTS) had a commissioning ceremony to send the teams out on their 12 week cross-cultural outreach. This makes up the second phase of the school

May 2017
It is Discipleship Training School (DTS) preparation time! You can feel it in the air! A group of staff children are practising several times a week to prepare their choreographed dance to a song entitled: “Eu vou!” (translated “I’ll go”) for the DTS opening service on June 3.
We are grateful to the Lord for 25 students who have made deposits to confirm their participation in this year’s DTS. So far there are 8 couples/families (with 18 children) confirmed and 9 singles confirmed to come. In the next week or two we hope to confirm the final number of students. Last year, our 25th and last student was confirmed our first day of orientation! These students will all be settling into the center, Lord-willing, May 29.

In April 2017 we had a strategic planning week with our friends Chip and Sandy Wanner. It was a rich time and as you can see by the many flip chart pages filled out and hung up, we did a lot of processing and planning. The Lord blessed the week, emphasizing His desire for unity among us, and it was rewarding to see different team members catching the vision, owning it, and explaining it to others. We are thankful for the love and input that Chip and Sandy poured into our team. This is their second visit to us as a staff team. The first time was back in 2015 when we were planning our move from Lichinga to Nampula.